Helaas in het engels...maar ik heb een stukje vertaald om er even 'in' te komen
10 Row Sphere:
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12) Row 3) 1, inc, 2, inc, 2, inc, 2, inc, 1 (16) Row 4) 3, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc (20)
Row 5) 4, inc, 10, inc, 4 (22) Row 6) even (22) Row 7) 4, dec, 10, dec, 4 (20) Row 8) dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 3 (16) Row 9) 1, dec, 2, dec, 2, dec, 2, dec, 1 (12) Row 10) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly to close.
Het lijkt op het eerste gezicht lastig maar als je begint valt het wel mee
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6)
1e toer) 2 lossen, 6 steken (vasten) in de 2e steek vanaf de naald (6 steken)
Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12)
2e toer) meerder in elke steek, dus 2 vasten in elke vaste (12 steken)
Row 3) 1, inc, 2, inc, 2, inc, 2, inc, 1 (16)
3e toer) 1 vaste, meerder (=2 vaste in 1 steek),2 vasten, meerder, 2 vasten, meerder, 2 vasten, meerder, 1 vaste (16 steken)
Row 4) 3, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc (20)
4e toer) 3 vasten, meerder, 3 vasten, meerder, 3 vasten, meerder, 3 vasten, meerder (20)
Row 5) 4, inc, 10, inc, 4 (22)
5e toer) 4V, meerder, 10V, meerder, 4 V (22)
6e toer) hetzelfde als 5e
Row 7) 4, dec, 10, dec, 4 (20)
7e toer) 4V, minder (maak van twee steken een door alleen de voorste lusjes van twee steken op te pakken met je naald, daar de draad door te halen en hem als een steek verder te haken),10V, minder, 4V (20)
Row 8) dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 3 (16)
8e toer) minder, 3V, minder, 3V, minder, 3V, minder, 3V, (16)
Row 9) 1, dec, 2, dec, 2, dec, 2, dec, 1 (12)
9e toer) 1V, minder, 2V, minder, 2V, minder, 2V, minder, 1V (12)
Dan stop ik en vul het balletje op met wol/vulsel. Daarna haak ik alle steken twee aan twee samen en hecht af en haal dan de draad door de laatste 6 steken heen en trek het samen
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around (12) Row 3) 1, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc (17) Row 4) 2, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc, 2 (21)
Row 5) 3, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc, 3 (24) Row 6) 10, inc, 13 (25) Row 7) even (25) Row 8) 13, dec, 10 (24)
Row 9) 3, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 3 (21) Row 10) 2, dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 2 (17) Row 11) dec, 1, dec, 2, dec, 1, dec, 2, dec, 1 (12) Row 12) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly to close.
14 Row Sphere:
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12) Row 3) 1, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc (17) Row 4) 1, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 1 (22)
Row 5) 3, inc, 7, inc, 6, inc, 3 (25) Row 6) 7, inc, 8, inc, 7, inc (28) Row 7) 14, inc, 13 (29) Row 8) even (29)
Row 9) 13, dec, 14 (28) Row 10) dec, 7, dec, 8, dec, 7 (25) Row 11) 3, dec, 6, dec, 7, dec, 3 (22) Row 12) 1, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 1 (17) Row 13) dec, 1, dec, 2, dec, 1, dec, 2, dec, 1 (12) Row 14) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each st
16 Row Sphere
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12) Row 3) 1, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc (17) Row 4) 1, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 1 (22) Row 5) 2, inc, 5, inc, 4, inc, 5, inc, 2 (26)
Row 6) 4, inc, 7, inc, 8, inc, 4 (29) Row 7) 7, inc, 9, inc, 9, inc, 1 (32) Row 8) 13, inc, 18 (33) Row 9) even (33)
Row 10) 18, dec, 13 (32) Row 11) 1, dec, 9, dec, 9, dec, 7 (29) Row 12) 4, dec, 8, dec, 7, dec, 4 (26) Row 13) 2, dec, 5, dec, 4, dec, 5, dec, 2 (22) Row 14) 1, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 1 (17) Row 15) dec, 1, dec, 2, dec, 1, dec, 2, dec, 1 (12) Row 16) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly to close.
18 Row Sphere
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12) Row 3) 1, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc (17) Row 4) 2, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc, 2, inc, 2, inc, 1, inc, 1 (23)
Row 5) 3, inc, 5, inc, 5, inc, 5, inc, 1 (27) Row 6) 4, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc, 1 (31) Row 7) 8, inc, 9, inc, 9, inc, 2 (34) Row 8) 10, inc, 16, inc, 6 (36)
Row 9) 17, inc, 18 (37) Row 10) even (37) Row 11) 18, dec, 17 (36) Row 12) 6, dec, 16, dec, 10 (34) Row 13) 2, dec, 9, dec, 9, dec, 8 (31) Row 14) 1, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 4 (27) Row 15) 1, dec, 5, dec, 5, dec, 5, dec, 3 (23) Row 16) 1, dec, 1, dec, 2, dec, 2, dec, 1, dec, 2, dec, 2 (17)
Row 17) (dec, 1) repeat () around (12) Row 18) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly to close.
20 Row Sphere
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12) Row 3) (1, inc) repeat () around (18) Row 4) 1, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2 (23) Row 5) inc, 4, inc, 3, inc, 4, inc, 3, inc, 4 (28) Row 6) 3, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc, 3 (32)
Row 7) 5, inc, 9, inc, 9, inc, 6 (35) Row 8) 3, inc, 10, inc, 11, inc, 8 (38) Row 9) 12, inc, 25 (39) Row 10) inc, 38 (40)
Row 11) even Row 12) 38, dec (39) Row 13) 25, dec, 12 (38) Row 14) 8, dec, 11, dec, 10, dec, 3 (35) Row 15) 6, dec, 9, dec, 9, dec, 5 (32) Row 16) 3, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 3 (28) Row 17) 4, dec, 3, dec, 4, dec, 3, dec, 4, dec (23) Row 18) 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 1 (18) Row 19) (dec, 1) repeat () around (12) Row 20) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly to close.
22 Row Sphere
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12) Row 3) (1, inc) repeat () around (18) Row 4) 1, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2 (23) Row 5) inc, 4, inc, 3, inc, 4, inc, 3, inc, 4 (28) Row 6) 3, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc, 3 (32)
Row 7) 1, inc, 7, inc, 7, inc, 7, inc, 6 (36) Row 8) 6, inc, 11, inc, 11, inc, 5 (39) Row 9) 8, inc, 12, inc, 12, inc, 4 (42) Row 10) 15, inc, 26 (43)
Row 11) inc, 42 (44) Row 12) even (44) Row 13) 42, dec (43) Row 14) 26, dec, 15 (42) Row 15) 4, dec, 12, dec, 12, dec, 8 (39) Row 16) 5, dec, 11, dec, 11, dec, 6 (36) Row 17) 6, dec, 7, dec, 7, dec, 7, dec, 1 (32) Row 18) 3, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 3 (28) Row 19) 4, dec, 3, dec, 4, dec, 3, dec, 4, dec (23)Row 20) 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 1 (18) Row 21) (dec, 1) repeat () around (12) Row 22) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly
24 Row Sphere
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12) Row 3) (1, inc) repeat () around (18) Row 4) 1, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2 (23) Row 5) 2, inc, 3, inc, 4, inc, 3, inc, 4, inc, 2 (28) Row 6) 1, inc, 4, inc, 5, inc, 4, inc, 5, inc, 4 (33) Row 7) 3, inc, 7, inc, 7, inc, 7, inc, 5 (37)
Row 8) 7, inc, 8, inc, 8, inc, 8, inc, 2 (41) Row 9) 15, inc, 20, inc, 4 (43) Row 10) 10, inc, 14, inc, 13, inc, 3 (46) Row 11) 25, inc, 20 (47)
Row 12) 10, inc, 36 (48) Row 13) even (48) Row 14) 36, dec, 10 (47) Row 15) 20, dec, 25 (46) Row 16) 3, dec, 13, dec, 14, dec, 10 (43) Row 17) 4, dec, 20, dec, 15 (41)
Row 18) 2, dec, 8, dec, 8, dec, 8, dec, 7 (37) Row 19) 5, dec, 7, dec, 7, dec, 7, dec, 3 (33) Row 20) 4, dec, 5, dec, 4, dec, 5, dec, 4, dec, 1
Row 21) 2, dec, 4, dec, 3, dec, 4, dec, 3, dec, 2 Row 22) 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 1 Row 23) (dec, 1) repeat () around. (12) Row 24) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly to close.
26 Row Sphere
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12) Row 3) (1, inc) repeat () around (18) Row 4) 1, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2 (23) Row 5) 2, inc, 3, inc, 4, inc, 3, inc, 4, inc, 2 (28) Row 6) 1, inc, 4, inc, 5, inc, 4, inc, 5, inc, 4 (33) Row 7) 3, inc, 5, inc, 6, inc, 5, inc, 6, inc, 3 (38) Row 8) 8, inc, 9, inc, 8, inc, 9, inc (42)
Row 9) 6, inc, 13, inc, 13, inc, 7 (45) Row 10) 9, inc, 14, inc, 14, inc, 5 (48) Row 11) 15, inc, 23, inc, 8 (50) Row 12) 24, inc, 25 (51)
Row 13) inc, 50 (52) Row 14) even (52) Row 15) 50, dec (51) Row 16) 25, dec, 24 (50) Row 17) 8, dec, 23, dec, 15 (48) Row 18) 5, dec, 14, dec, 14, dec, 9 (45) Row 19) 7, dec, 13, dec, 13, dec, 6 (42) Row 20) dec, 9, dec, 8, dec, 9, dec, 8 (38) Row 21) 3, dec, 6, dec, 5, dec, 6, dec, 5, dec, 3 (33)
Row 22) 4, dec, 5, dec, 4, dec, 5, dec, 4, dec, 1 (28) Row 23) 2, dec, 4, dec, 3, dec, 4, dec, 3, dec, 2 (23)
Row 24) 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 1 (18) Row 25) (dec, 1) repeat () around (12) Row 26) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly to close.
30 Row Sphere
Row 1) Ch 2. 6 Sc in second Ch from hook. (6) Row 2) inc in each stitch around. (12)
Row 3) (1, inc) repeat () around (18)
Row 4) 1, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2, inc, 3, inc, 2 (23)
Row 5) 1, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc, 3, inc, 1 (29)
Row6) 4, inc, 5, inc, 5, inc, 5, inc, 5, inc (34)
Row7) 4, inc, 5, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc, 6, inc , 2 (39)
Row8) 6, inc, 8, inc, 9, inc, 9, inc, 3 (43)
Row9) 3, inc,9, inc, 10, inc, 10, inc, 7 (47)
Row10) 6, inc, 14, inc, 15, inc, 9 (50)
Row11) 9, inc, 15, inc, 16, inc, 7 (53)
Row12) 5, inc, 16, inc, 17, inc, 12 (56)
Row13) 12, inc, 27, inc, 15 (58)
Row 14) 17, inc, 40 (59)
Row15-17) even (59)
Row18) 40, dec, 17 (58)
Row19) 15, dec, 27, dec, 12 (56)
Row20) 12, dec, 17, dec, 16, dec, 5 (53)
Row21) 7, dec, 16, dec, 15, dec, 9 (50)
Row22) 9, dec, 15, dec, 14, dec, 6 (47)
Row23) 7, dec, 10, dec, 10, dec, 9, dec, 3 (43)
Row24) 3, dec, 9, dec, 9, dec, 8, dec, 6 (39)
Row25) 2, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 6, dec, 5, dec, 4(34)
Row26) dec, 5, dec, 5, dec, 5, dec, 5, dec, 4(29)
Row27) 1, dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 3, dec, 3, dec,1 (23)
Row 28) 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 3, dec, 2, dec, 1 (18)
Row 29) (dec, 1) repeat () around (12)
Row 30) 4 scdec. Fasten off. Weave loose end through each stitch in the opening. Pull tightly to close.
Ik kom hier voor het eerst via de blog van ingthings. Wow, wat ben ik blij met je uitleg over de gehaakte ballen. Het is gruwelijk moeilijk voor mij om handleidingen in het engels gelezen te krijgen. Het zal wel aan mij liggen, maar ik slaagde er tot nu toe niet in om ook maar één engelstalig patroontje tot een goed einde te brengen. Terwijl ik zo graag haak ! Dus dankjewel voor de vertaling. Voor de grotere maten zal het me misschien nu wel lukken, als ik rijtje per rijtje goed vergelijk met je vertaling ;)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk probeer deze week eens wat in je blog wat te lezen, om je blog beter te leren kennen, lijkt met heel leuk.
Fijn dat je er iets aan hebt. Volgens mij MOET het lukken zo, eigenlijk is elk patroon hetzelfde alleen het aantal steken tussen de meerderingen/minderingen verandert en het aantal toeren
VerwijderenVeer succes en plezier met het resultaat, Marjanne